Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Resolutions for 2014!

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the fab ladies at The Broke and the Bookish!

Top Ten New Years Resolutions
Split into bookish/bloggish and not-so-bookish/bloggish :)

Book/Blog Related

2014 Reading Challenge

2014 Reading Challenge
Ashley has read 3 books toward her goal of 100 books.
1. Read more than last year.
75 books was pitiful. 100+, I will see you again!

2. Finally get my own domain.
I've put it off forever, and I don't know why. I can't wait to drop the "blogspot" in my URL. (Where did you register your domain? I'm looking for suggestions!)

3. Respond to comments.
This is a HUGE thing, because I feel so rude when I don't! I WILL this time, every single one! (except spam. You know.)

4. Get my NetGalley review percentage up & figure out Edelweiss.
I actually read most of the stuff I download (now, at least. I've finally learned something that resembles restraint when it comes to requesting), but I've got an issue with never freakin' giving feedback! I don't know why, and it's sad. My percentage is something like 20%, and that's unacceptable. Also, Edelweiss. I get it, I kind of know, but…not really. Help?

5. Figure out my feed burner to get things pushed to all my social media sites.
It's sad I don't already do this. Or know how to do this.

Non-Book/Blog Related
6. Cut back on Starbucks.
It could be as little as getting a Tall rather than Grande, but I hope to at least drop my 5-a-week habit.

7. Stop working so many hours.
I averaged 58 hours a week in 2013. That needs to stop, because the hours I'm there are the hours I'm not putting towards reading/writing/blogging. And while I do like [most of] my job, I need to find that balance again.

8. Go outside my baking bubble.
I'm great at chocolate chip cookies. And peanut butter cookies. And rice krispy treats. But now it's time to expand! The world is my oyster! Muffins! Cupcakes! Crepes! Pastries!
From my Instagram

9. Get back to doing yoga.
I used to do it in college all the time, and I loved it. I miss it, and I don't know why I dropped it.

10. Be more respectful to my family.
It's a hard thing to admit, but I'm pretty rude to my parents and brother sometimes. It comes from all of us still living together (both my brother and I are in our mid- to late-20s) and trying to shove 4 adults into a small space and expect it to be ok. We're allowed to get irritated or angry, and we accept the arguments we get into…but I love my family no matter what, and I feel guilty that I feel like I tell them less and less.

What are your resolutions for 2014?
Leave your link and I'll hop by!


  1. Ooh, lots of people are setting goals for 100 books or more! I managed that in 2013, just, but don't think I can this year. Good luck to you with that =D Have you got lots lined up or will you just pick them as they come?

    I bought my domain from GoDaddy, no problems so far. They also host my site =)

    Ugh, Edelweiss is so hard to use, I agree! I hate having to select publisher or genre or whatever... why can't we just view what's available in one long list?

    Oh, think how much money you could save and then spend on books if you spend less at Starbucks ;) And also, 58 hours a week is INSANE. How on earth do you fit blogging into that??

  2. I've unofficially been making a choice to cut back on Starbucks, too! It's a great way to save a little extra money AND make sure I don't overdo the coffee consumption. (Although, really, is there such a thing? I just LOVE coffee.) Good luck with all your resolutions! xo


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