Monday, January 7, 2013

Top Ten Bookish Goals of 2013

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by the fab ladies at The Broke and the Bookish!

Top Ten Bookish Goals For 2013

1. Figure out a design.
Which applies to both my blog layout and the new business cards I need to get printed. I love all my past designs and the business cards, but I'm hoping to get it a little more smooth and professional.

2. Author Interviews
I have a crazy idea of at least one interview per month, but...I don't know if that'll happen. I'm SUPER excited to say I have 3 lined up (uhh...will, anyway, as soon as I actually get those questions out!), but I definitely want more on here. I love getting to talk directly to authors and asking them some fun, silly questions. Authors are the best.

3. Buy my own domain name.
I know it's supposed to be easy to set that up and redirect and all - but I've been putting it off mostly because it feels like a big commitment. And while the book blog as a whole is a huge commitment, my own domain name is so...real! But I like the idea of getting to say one solid website when people ask for my URL, so it'll happen. Soon.

4. Utilize social media more; namely, Facebook and Instagram.
I've had my Facebook page set up for the blog for awhile, but have been really lax with using it - which disappoints me! I'm on Facebook all the time (it's easiest for me to access on my phone at work) and would love to interact with readers/bookish people over there more. And I've only started using Instagram since getting my iPhone a month ago, but I love it and feel I interact a lot more with people there. (Add/follow me on both, if you'd like! I'd love to chat.)

5. More discussion/chat posts.
I probably shouldn't say "more," but actually just to have them since I never did last year. I love to talk books and about books and books in life and books' impact on lives, and I love to hear about other people's thoughts on all that, too.

6. Respond to comments better.
I was doing really well early on last year, but tapered off as I got deeper into my new job. I'm trying to get back to it, because it's one more part of interaction that I'm completely missing out on. Besides, people leave some fantastic comments! They deserve responses.

7. Clean out my bookshelves.
Really, it's just my house, because the majority of my books aren't even on shelves anymore. They won't fit! I can literally wall my room, if I wanted to. There are stacks on the floor all around, completely overtaking my desk, overtaking the cabinets in my living room, and now they've spread onto the dining room table, too (my poor parents). I have a goal of getting rid of every book that I haven't read and only keeping signed editions and favourites. Much easier said than done,'ll happen. Eventually.

8. Go to ALA Annual in Chicago.
I loved ALA Annual this year, and I'm really glad my first conference was in an area that I'm so familiar with (I used to study at Disneyland!). Now it's in Chicago this year, a city I've always wanted to go to; and ALA was incredible. Being around that many bookish people who share in my love and excitement? There is absolutely no way to describe that feeling, and I've never felt more at home or like I've belonged anywhere else. There's no way I'm going to miss this if I can financially do it!
(Which, if there are any bookish people in my area who plan to go, talk to me! I'd love to have travel companions and/or roommates...)

9. Read 110 books this year.
Two years ago, I didn't have a goal or track very well and managed to read just over 75. Last year, knowing all that, I thought to myself "Ok, if I can do 75 without even trying, let's go for 100!" And I am proud to say that I finished 2012 with 103 books read! So for this year, I want to see juuuuust how much I can push myself and try for 110. Truthfully, I'm not certain I'll hit that - but it won't hurt to try!

10. Learn to say no.
We love books. We want to read ALL THE BOOKS IN THE WORLD EVAR TO BE WRITTEN. I know you all share that sentiment. And I just can't say no when I see books in the library that I've wanted to read, or books on shelves at the store that I'm like "oh yeah! I wanted to read that!" or when books are offered to me for review. But there's a certain point where I have to be realistic and realize that 1) I don't have time to read 14 library books in 3 weeks, 2) I don't have the space to house every single title in the YA section at the bookstore, and 3) the book will still be there when I do finally have time. That's part of the brilliance of books: they're there when we need them. It won't kill me to pass up the book at the library, because when I finally find a week that I've got an opening, the book will still be there. I have to learn to understand that and say "No, I don't need this book right now - the world will not end if I don't get this book right this second."

What are your bookish goals for the year?
Leave your link and I'll hop by!


  1. Loving these goals & the inspiration. I can really relate to learn to say no :-)

    Tanya Patrice

  2. I've picked a couple of the same goals this year. Have an awesome time in ALA and good luck with cleaning out your bookshelves. You're a braver lady than I :)

    My TTT:

  3. Haha I need to say no to library books too! I check out WAY too many! I think you have really cool goals, and I can't wait to read your author interviews, that sounds fun!

    My TTT

  4. I definitely want to use social media more, it's okay having a twitter but it's a bit pointless when I don't actually use it to socialise! Great goals!

    My TTT

  5. I didn't know ALA was in Chicago this year--I live in the western suburbs. Is that a conference that any writer/reader can go to? I'm an unpubbed writer of YA fiction. I'll check out their website too. I was bummed I missed the Romantic Times convention last year in Chicago; I thought it was just for romance reader fans, I had no idea they had writing workshops too.

  6. I'm going to be at ALA too. I hope we run into each other :). My goal is to read 125 books this year. I hope you make it! Lately I've been donating ARC's to my local library if I don't want to keep them. That's been helping me keep my bookshelves organized :). Good luck with all these goals <3

  7. Great goals! I think I want to start having discussion posts as well and interact more with those posts elsewhere too. Looking forward to it!

    Good luck!

  8. I really love this list of goals, Ashley, I think they're definitely achievable and manageable! I seriously want to go to ALA Annual in Chicago this year- especially because I feel like all my book blogger buddies are going!! I want to meet everyone. Alas, the date isn't working well right now with my schedule, so, it's definitely a big question mark for me. However, if I do go, I'd love to meet you! <3

    Lovely list Ashley. Good luck with your goals!!

  9. Aw, I really want to try Author Interviews sometime, when I have at least blogged for about 4-5months. How do you get them to take an interview for you? I really want to learn. Anyway, good luck! :D

    My Goals for 2013

  10. These are really great goals! I especially agree with the last one, as I'm feeling the same way. And I'm confident you can get your 12 authors for interview this year. You can do it! Good luck with coming up with your goals!

  11. Get the URL, tell me if you need setting up or anything!

  12. I always do the same thing when I go to the library. I just want to read everything but I really want to try to read most of the books on my shelves this year. I also want to continue on with my series and hopefully finish at least 5 or so. Good luck!

    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian


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