Monday, February 6, 2012

Top Ten Books I'd Give to Non-Readers

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish! This week's topic is:

Top 10 Books I'd Hand To Someone
Who Doesn't Like to Read
(gasp! blasphemy!)

For the younger readers:
1. Diary of A Wimpy Kid - Jeff Kinney
Even though I actually don't think Greg Heffley is wimpy so much as a jerk, the book is perfect for younger, reluctant readers: it's humorous and appealing and the drawings are adorable and so appropriate.

2. His Dark Materials series - Philip Pullman
I put this on the young reader section because I read The Golden Compass when I was 8 years old, right when it was released, and I fell in love. Lyra's world is magical and so enticing, I couldn't help but love her and Pan. I remember I used to wish I had my own daemon, looking around and trying to see what kind of animal I had. It was like a precursor to Harry's Patronus.

3. Sweet Valley Twins - Francine Pascal
Because these were my savior when I was a child. I still think I'm Elizabeth Wakefield.

4. Harry Potter Series - JK Rowling
It's pretty obvious.

5. Percy Jackson Series - Rick Riordan
Similar to Harry Potter, it's adventure and strong, likable and relatable characters that are just so much fun. Plus, you really do learn some mythology from it!

For the not-so-younger readers:

6. The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
Again, no real explanation needed.

7. The Outsiders - SE Hinton
This book was the turning point of being a reader to wanting to be a writer. How much it spoke to me in 7th grade was was everything to me. There was such a connection at the time even though it was absolutely nothing like my life - it was shocking, and I knew I wanted to reach people the same way.

8. The Illustrated Man - Ray Bradbury
Kind of an odd choice, and I admit that most of my 9th grade English class didn't like this book - but it's fascinating and interesting and different and I loved it. I think it has an appeal.

9. If I Stay & Where She Went - Gayle Forman
Because if ever a book to touch your heart and make you understand and yearn the power of words and story telling, it's these.

10. Nick & Norah or Dash & Lily - Rachel Cohn & David Levithan
I love these books. Because they're fun and a little whimsical and make me wish for more in my life.


  1. What a fantastic list! I came so close to putting Nick & Norah on my list - really, what an adorable book. So many great, great books on here; love Pullman's stuff, Harry Potter, the Hunger Games; and Sweet Valley Twins (along with Babysitters Club) defined my childhood. You've reminded me of a lot of books that I've been meaning to read...mostly, I'm a little embarrassed to admit that I've never read The Outsiders, though I've meant to for years.

  2. Hunger Games is so good! It's bound to make a reader out of anybody :)

  3. Diary of a Wimpy Kid is super, super popular right now. Is it a comic book? I know there's been a big push in graphic novels to encourage non-readers.

  4. Oh I thought about putting Percy Jackson! That's a great series. And of course If I Stay :)

    Thanks for stopping by!

  5. That is so awesome that you put Ray Bradbury on your list! Most people are terrified of science fiction. :)

  6. Hey, this is Chelsea from over at Books Turn Brains. I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog, as well as check out your list!

    I love that you broke it into two parts -- I love the Percy Jackson series! I would have included the Magic Treehouse books on mine if I had done it this way :)

    I had considered Dash & Lily's Book of Dares for my list, I absolutely loved that book.

    This is a great list! (I also noticed you're currently reading "Before I Fall." I just read that at the beginning of the year. I enjoyed it.

    You have a new follower!
    - Chelsea

  7. YAY!!! So happy to hear you included The Hunger Games and If I Stay and Where She Went!!! I REALLY want to read Dash and Lily! It sounds really good :) Great list! Couldn't agree more :)


  8. Such a great list! I nearly put Diary of a Wimpy Kid on my own, as I think this is such a great series to get hesitant young readers into books.

  9. There are some fantastic picks on your list!

  10. Great list!! I've had a few friends recommend Dash & Lily! Sounds really interesting :)
    I'd say Harry Potter could be for all ages!

    Thanks for stopping by :)

    Michele | Top 10

  11. I want to love every single one of these books! Especially Sweet Valley Twins! I do a "retro reads" post once a week on my blog and a SVT book was last week's read; so happy to see someone else who loves Sweet Valley! :)

  12. Percy Jackson and His Dark Materials are great picks. I love both series.

  13. Your suggestions look great and you have convinced me to place If I Stay at the top of my To Buy list.

  14. Amazing books and also his reading chapters very easy every person easily read thanks for share it academic ghostwriting .

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Awesome list! I'm always looking for new books about entrepreneurship or career. I've read a few of these and really enjoyed them. I will have to put the others on my reading list as well. Thanks for sharing your recommendations!


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